Business English 2
Business Letters.
Have a look at the structure of a typical Business Letter.
What you should know about business letters.
Layout and Structure.
Lesson 2 Grammar : Punctuation
Lesson 2 Idiomatic: Idiomatic Expressions 2
Use browser Return Arrow to come back
to this section after selecting Grammar
or Idiomatic link.
1. Write a letter and complain about that TV.
2. Do the lesson Grammar Section and do the Multiple Choice exercises.
3. Learn the Idiomatic Expressions and do the Multiple Choice exercises.
Business Letter Outline
12 Rose Avenue Â
2015 Westbrook
                                                               November 21, 2022Â
Mr. JonesÂ
12 Hillside AvenueÂ
9890 LondonÂ
Re Your Application dated October 25, 2022Â
Dear Sir / Madam,Â
OR if name has been given:
Dear Mr. Jones, Dear Ms. Jones, (Ms can be Miss or Mrs)
OR very formal:
Sir / Madam,Â
With reference to ………………….Â
Business letters usually have 3 paragraphs:
1. more information about the reference, that is what the letter is about;
2. detailed information about any action already taken,Â
3. what do you want.Â
SOME phrases about an application for a job
We regret to inform you that…Â
We are pleased to inform you thatÂ
We would like to invite you to an interview on… at….Â
Please let us know if that date suits you.Â
Your expenses will be refunded at the rate of ….Â
We have booked accommodation for you at…..Â
We wish you well on your way ahead.Â
Yours sincerelyÂ
Director Human ResourcesÂ
PS Attached please find…..Â
Address at the top and the date.Â
Person or company name on top left.Â
Re : what this letter is aboutÂ
The person it is addressed to: DO NOT USE Dear Sir or Madam !!! Use a slash /.Â
Note the letter ending.Â
Remember the use of PS.Â
Use SHORT sentences.Â
Use paragraphs.Â
Be to the point.Â
Be polite.Â
Do NOT use abbreviations such as don’t, can’t etc.Â
Use WHITE spaces between paragraphs – don’t cram everything togetherÂ
I always with a capital letter.Â