Lesson 13

Idiomatic ALL

Idiomatic Expressions Random Test
& Proverbs Random Test

The program randomly selects 30 expressions from the list below for testing.

She gets dressed.

She puts on her gloves.

It is not worth it.

Don't be angry with me.

He behaves badly.

It tastes of sour milk.

He asks me for help.

We see each other later.

See you later.

I look at the house.

I work at Desma.

Everyone knows that.

It smells like hay.

She walked up and down.

Are you flying or driving?

Write that in German!

I look forward to the visit.

That depends.

I have no money with me.

He is knocking at the door.

They made him director.

One gets used to everything.

It gives me pleasure.

He fell in love with the girl.

He became engaged to the girl.

What will become of him?

He sat down at the table.

I did him a favour.

Pay attention!

She talks about him.

She puts on the hat.

I have caught a cold.

What time is he coming?

How are you?

It hurts me.

They laughed at him.

Begin at the beginning.

That does not concern you.

Do you remember the child?



He has not come yet.

He has a pair of shoes.

He has several books.


Give me another book!

Give me another book!

We made his acquaintance.

She imagines that.

He is afraid of the dog.

What is today's date?

My watch is fast.

My watch is slow.

He sent for me.

It serves him right.

I am glad.

It is my turn.

You either pay or leave.

He has neither the one nor the other.

Both his father and his mother.

Have a good time!

He has a headache.

She works at night.

What's new?

I pass him.

He climbed the mountain.

Learn it by heart!

I was just about to leave.

He thinks of her.

I wait for the woman.

He is proud of his son.

I like to read.

I like it.

I prefer to read.

He goes home.

It is getting hotter and hotter.

I am sorry.

He has nothing at all.

He is coming, doesn't he?

He is said to be rich.

He is rid of it.

She stops.

I can't afford it.

It is I.

All the better.

Click op top right of the card to flash the translation.

He has neither the one nor the other.

Er hat weder das eine noch das andere.

He asks me for help.

Er bittet mich um Hilfe.

It is my turn.

Ich bin an der Reihe.

I pass him.

Ich gehe an ihm vorbei.

All the better.

Um so besser.

Don't be angry with me.

Seien Sie nicht böse auf mich.

We made his acquaintance.

Wir lernten ihn kennen.

What's new?

Was gibt's Neues?

Pay attention!

Passen Sie auf!%%%Pass auf!

It is not worth it.

Es ist nicht der Mühe wert.

Write that in German!

Schreiben Sie das auf Deutsch!%%%Schreib das auf deutsch!

Have a good time!

Amüsier dich!

How are you?

Wie geht es dir?

Give me another book!

Geben Sie mir ein anderes Buch!



It is getting hotter and hotter.

Es wird immer heisser.

She gets dressed.

Sie zieht sich an.

My watch is slow.

Meine Uhr geht nach.

He is knocking at the door.

Er klopft an die Tür.

What time is he coming?

Wann kommt er?

He sent for me.

Er liess mich holen.

I have no money with me.

Ich habe kein Geld dabei.%%%Ich habe kein Geld bei mir.

I wait for the woman.

Ich warte auf die Frau.

They made him director.

Man machte ihn zum Direktor.

That depends.

Es kommt darauf an.

See you later.

Wir sehen uns.

What will become of him?

Was wird aus ihm werden?

Everyone knows that.

Jeder weiss das.

He is coming, doesn't he?

Er kommt, nicht wahr?

Both his father and his mother.

Sowohl sein Vater als auch seine Mutter.

It hurts me.

Es tut mir weh.

She puts on her gloves.

Sie zieht ihre Handschuhe an.

He is proud of his son.

Er ist stolz auf seinen Sohn.

Give me another book!

Geben Sie mir noch ein Buch!

Are you flying or driving?

Fliegen Sie oder fahren Sie?

He has nothing at all.

Er hat garnichts.

I prefer to read.

Ich lese lieber.

He sat down at the table.

Er setzte sich an den Tisch.

He is said to be rich.

Er soll sehr reich sein.

I have caught a cold.

Ich habe mich erkältet.

You either pay or leave.

Entweder du zahlst oder du gehst.

He has a headache.

Er hat Kopfschmerzen.

My watch is fast.

Meine Uhr geht vor.

What is today's date?

Der wievielte ist heute?

I am sorry.

Es tut mir leid.


Leben Sie wohl!

She imagines that.

Sie denkt sich das.

He is rid of it.

Er ist es los.

I can't afford it.

Ich kann es mir nicht leisten.

I look forward to the visit.

Ich freue mich auf den Besuch.

I am glad.

Ich freue mich.

She talks about him.

Sie spricht von ihm.

I like to read.

Ich lese gern.

He became engaged to the girl.

Er verlobte sich mit dem Mädchen.

He behaves badly.

Er benimmt sich schlecht.

He goes home.

Er geht nach Hause.

It serves him right.

Es geschieht ihm recht.

He is afraid of the dog.

Er fürchtet sich vor dem Hund.

I work at Desma.

Ich arbeite bei Desma.

She stops.

Sie bleibt stehen.

He thinks of her.

Er denkt an sie.

They laughed at him.

Sie lachten ihn aus.

It smells like hay.

Es riecht nach Heu.

It is I.

Ich bin es.

We see each other later.

Wir treffen uns später.

I like it.

Ich habe es gern.

It tastes of sour milk.

Das schmeckt nach saurer Milch.

Begin at the beginning.

Fang von vorne an..

One gets used to everything.

Man gewöhnt sich an alles.


Auf Wiedersehen!

I look at the house.

Ich schaue mir das Haus an.

That does not concern you.

Das geht Sie nichts an.

Do you remember the child?

Erinnern Sie sich an das Kind?

She walked up and down.

Sie ging auf und ab.

I did him a favour.

Ich habe ihm einen Gefallen getan.

He has a pair of shoes.

Er hat ein Paar Schuhe.

He has several books.

Er hat ein paar Bücher.

He has not come yet.

Er ist noch nicht da.

She puts on the hat.

Sie setzt den Hut auf.

It gives me pleasure.

Es macht mir Freude.

He fell in love with the girl.

Er verliebte sich in das Mädchen.

She works at night.

Sie arbeitet nachts.

He climbed the mountain.

Er stieg auf den Berg.

Learn it by heart!

Lerne es auswendig!

I was just about to leave.

Ich wollte gerade gehen.

Idiomatic Expressions G/E

Idiomatic Expressions G/E Random

30 questions randomly selected from list

1 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

1. Sie ging auf und ab.

2 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

2. Sie zieht sich an.

3 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

3. Sie setzt den Hut auf.

4 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

4. Er soll sehr reich sein.

5 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

5. Ich bin es.

6 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

6. Es ist nicht der Mühe wert.

7 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

7. Ich lese lieber.

8 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

8. Wie geht es dir?

9 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

9. Er setzte sich an den Tisch.

10 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

10. Es tut mir weh.

11 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

11. Ich wollte gerade gehen.

12 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

12. Er bittet mich um Hilfe.

13 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

13. Sie lachten ihn aus.

14 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

14. Wir lernten ihn kennen.

15 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

15. Er klopft an die Tür.

16 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

16. Er hat ein Paar Schuhe.

17 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

17. Ich habe mich erkältet.

18 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

18. Sowohl sein Vater als auch seine Mutter.

19 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

19. Was gibt's Neues?

20 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

20. Passen Sie auf!

21 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

21. Ich lese gern.

22 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

22. Er ist es los.

23 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

23. Sie denkt sich das.

24 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

24. Meine Uhr geht vor.

25 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

25. Fliegen Sie oder fahren Sie?

26 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

26. Er denkt an sie.

27 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

27. Ich bin an der Reihe.

28 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

28. Ich habe kein Geld bei mir.

29 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

29. Ich freue mich auf den Besuch.

30 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions G/E

30. Ich warte auf die Frau.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions ALL E/G

30 questions randomly selected from list

1 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He is proud of his son.

2 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He climbed the mountain.

3 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. What will become of him?

4 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He behaves badly.

5 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. She puts on the hat.

6 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I look forward to the visit.

7 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. I have caught a cold.

8 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He thinks of her.

9 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He has not come yet.

10 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He has a headache.

11 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

11. Are you flying or driving?

12 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

12. She works at night.

13 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

13. He has a pair of shoes.

14 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

14. She talks about him.

15 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

15. I work at Desma.

16 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

16. He is said to be rich.

17 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

17. He fell in love with the girl.

18 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

18. They laughed at him.

19 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

19. He became engaged to the girl.

20 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

20. Give me another book!

21 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

21. I did him a favour.

22 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

22. She walked up and down.

23 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

23. We made his acquaintance.

24 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

24. What time is he coming?

25 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

25. It smells like hay.

26 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

26. Farewell!

27 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

27. It is not worth it.

28 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

28. I like to read.

29 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

29. He asks me for help.

30 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

30. He has several books.

Your score is

Click op top right of the card to flash the translation.

Birds of feather flock together.

Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Gebranntes Kind scheut das Feuer.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Wenn man gesund isst, bleibt man gesund.



English Proverbs, their meaning and German equivalent.

1 / 3

Category: Proverbs

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2 / 3

Category: Proverbs

2. Birds of feather flock together.

3 / 3

Category: Proverbs

3. Once bitten, twice shy.

Your score is

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions English

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 2 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. She walked up and down.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It smells like hay.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I have no money with me.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He is knocking at the door.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. It tastes of sour milk.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Write that in German!

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. We see each other later.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Are you flying or driving?

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. That depends.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I look forward to the visit.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 1 E/G

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He asks me for help.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. Don't be angry with me.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. She gets dressed.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. I look at the house.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Everyone knows that.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I work at Desma.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. See you later.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. It is not worth it.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. She puts on her gloves.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He behaves badly.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 3 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I did him a favour.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. She talks about him.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. It gives me pleasure.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She puts on the hat.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He fell in love with the girl.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He sat down at the table.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. One gets used to everything.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Pay attention!

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He became engaged to the girl.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. What will become of him?

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 8

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He has nothing at all.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. All the better.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He is rid of it.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. It is I.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He is coming, doesn't he?

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. She stops.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. I can't afford it.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He is said to be rich.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. It is getting hotter and hotter.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I am sorry.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 5

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. She imagines that.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He sent for me.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. We made his acquaintance.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. What is today's date?

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Give me another book!

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Give me another book!

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He is afraid of the dog.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. It serves him right.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. My watch is slow.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. My watch is fast.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 6

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. What's new?

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He has neither the one nor the other.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I pass him.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. It is my turn.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He has a headache.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I am glad.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. She works at night.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Have a good time!

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. You either pay or leave.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. Both his father and his mother.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 7

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He goes home.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. I prefer to read.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He climbed the mountain.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He thinks of her.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. I wait for the woman.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Learn it by heart!

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. I like it.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I was just about to leave.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He is proud of his son.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I like to read.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 4

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He has not come yet.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He has several books.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. That does not concern you.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He has a pair of shoes.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Farewell!

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Goodbye!

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. They laughed at him.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Do you remember the child?

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. Begin at the beginning.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. It hurts me.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 9

Translate into German!

1 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I have caught a cold.

2 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. What time is he coming?

3 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. Bye!

4 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. How are you?

5 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. They made him director.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions ALL E/G

30 questions randomly selected from list

1 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He is coming, doesn't he?

2 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. What time is he coming?

3 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I can't afford it.

4 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He climbed the mountain.

5 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. She walked up and down.

6 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I have no money with me.

7 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He is rid of it.

8 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. My watch is slow.

9 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. Goodbye!

10 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He is knocking at the door.

11 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

11. I pass him.

12 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

12. I like to read.

13 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

13. What's new?

14 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

14. It is not worth it.

15 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

15. They laughed at him.

16 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

16. I look at the house.

17 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

17. What is today's date?

18 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

18. He fell in love with the girl.

19 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

19. He is proud of his son.

20 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

20. He has a pair of shoes.

21 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

21. Give me another book!

22 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

22. Everyone knows that.

23 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

23. He became engaged to the girl.

24 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

24. I am sorry.

25 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

25. She imagines that.

26 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

26. He has several books.

27 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

27. She puts on her gloves.

28 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

28. Write that in German!

29 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

29. That depends.

30 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

30. He behaves badly.

Your score is

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions English

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 2 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. Write that in German!

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. I have no money with me.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. She walked up and down.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. It smells like hay.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. That depends.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He is knocking at the door.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. Are you flying or driving?

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I look forward to the visit.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. We see each other later.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. It tastes of sour milk.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 1 E/G

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He behaves badly.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. I work at Desma.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. Everyone knows that.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She gets dressed.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. She puts on her gloves.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Don't be angry with me.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He asks me for help.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. See you later.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. It is not worth it.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I look at the house.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 3 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He became engaged to the girl.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He fell in love with the girl.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. One gets used to everything.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She talks about him.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. What will become of him?

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. She puts on the hat.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. Pay attention!

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He sat down at the table.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. I did him a favour.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. It gives me pleasure.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 8

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I am sorry.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. All the better.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. She stops.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. It is getting hotter and hotter.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. It is I.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He is coming, doesn't he?

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He is rid of it.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I can't afford it.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He is said to be rich.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He has nothing at all.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 5

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He sent for me.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. Give me another book!

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. It serves him right.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He is afraid of the dog.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. What is today's date?

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Give me another book!

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. She imagines that.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. My watch is slow.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. We made his acquaintance.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. My watch is fast.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 6

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. You either pay or leave.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It is my turn.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I pass him.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He has neither the one nor the other.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Have a good time!

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. She works at night.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He has a headache.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. What's new?

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. I am glad.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. Both his father and his mother.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 7

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I prefer to read.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He climbed the mountain.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He thinks of her.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He goes home.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He is proud of his son.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I like it.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. I was just about to leave.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I wait for the woman.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. Learn it by heart!

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I like to read.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 4

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. Begin at the beginning.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He has a pair of shoes.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He has not come yet.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. It hurts me.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He has several books.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. They laughed at him.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. Goodbye!

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. That does not concern you.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. Do you remember the child?

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. Farewell!

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 9

Translate into German!

1 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I have caught a cold.

2 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. They made him director.

3 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. Bye!

4 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. What time is he coming?

5 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. How are you?

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions ALL E/G

30 questions randomly selected from list

1 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He fell in love with the girl.

2 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. I was just about to leave.

3 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. Pay attention!

4 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He has a pair of shoes.

5 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Learn it by heart!

6 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. It is not worth it.

7 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. My watch is fast.

8 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Bye!

9 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. My watch is slow.

10 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I like it.

11 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

11. What will become of him?

12 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

12. He has nothing at all.

13 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

13. It is I.

14 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

14. He goes home.

15 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

15. I have caught a cold.

16 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

16. What time is he coming?

17 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

17. It hurts me.

18 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

18. He is knocking at the door.

19 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

19. How are you?

20 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

20. You either pay or leave.

21 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

21. Give me another book!

22 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

22. He behaves badly.

23 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

23. I did him a favour.

24 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

24. He is afraid of the dog.

25 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

25. It is getting hotter and hotter.

26 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

26. He sat down at the table.

27 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

27. He sent for me.

28 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

28. What's new?

29 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

29. Have a good time!

30 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

30. Do you remember the child?

Your score is

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions English

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 2 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. We see each other later.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. She walked up and down.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I look forward to the visit.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. Write that in German!

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Are you flying or driving?

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He is knocking at the door.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. That depends.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I have no money with me.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. It smells like hay.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. It tastes of sour milk.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 1 E/G

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. She puts on her gloves.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. Don't be angry with me.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. It is not worth it.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. I look at the house.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He asks me for help.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Everyone knows that.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. See you later.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He behaves badly.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. She gets dressed.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I work at Desma.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions 3 E/G

Translate into German

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I did him a favour.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It gives me pleasure.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He became engaged to the girl.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She talks about him.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. Pay attention!

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. What will become of him?

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. One gets used to everything.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He sat down at the table.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He fell in love with the girl.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. She puts on the hat.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 8

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. He is said to be rich.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It is I.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. I am sorry.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She stops.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. All the better.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He has nothing at all.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. It is getting hotter and hotter.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He is coming, doesn't he?

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. I can't afford it.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He is rid of it.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 5

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. What is today's date?

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. Give me another book!

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. My watch is slow.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She imagines that.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He sent for me.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. We made his acquaintance.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. It serves him right.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. My watch is fast.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. He is afraid of the dog.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. Give me another book!

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 6

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. Have a good time!

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It is my turn.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. What's new?

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. She works at night.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He has neither the one nor the other.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. I am glad.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He has a headache.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. Both his father and his mother.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. You either pay or leave.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. I pass him.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 7

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I like to read.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. I wait for the woman.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. Learn it by heart!

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. He goes home.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. I was just about to leave.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. He climbed the mountain.

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He is proud of his son.

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. I like it.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. I prefer to read.

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. He thinks of her.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 4

Translate into German!

1 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. It hurts me.

2 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. He has several books.

3 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. That does not concern you.

4 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. They laughed at him.

5 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. He has a pair of shoes.

6 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. Do you remember the child?

7 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. Goodbye!

8 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He has not come yet.

9 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. Farewell!

10 / 10

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. Begin at the beginning.

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions E/G 9

Translate into German!

1 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. I have caught a cold.

2 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. They made him director.

3 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. How are you?

4 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. Bye!

5 / 5

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. What time is he coming?

Your score is

Idiomatic Expressions E/G

Idiomatic Expressions ALL E/G

30 questions randomly selected from list

1 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

1. It serves him right.

2 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

2. It is my turn.

3 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

3. He has neither the one nor the other.

4 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

4. You either pay or leave.

5 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

5. What is today's date?

6 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

6. She gets dressed.

7 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

7. He has several books.

8 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

8. He is coming, doesn't he?

9 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

9. What's new?

10 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

10. How are you?

11 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

11. Have a good time!

12 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

12. What time is he coming?

13 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

13. I have caught a cold.

14 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

14. He is said to be rich.

15 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

15. My watch is fast.

16 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

16. We made his acquaintance.

17 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

17. It is I.

18 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

18. Both his father and his mother.

19 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

19. It is not worth it.

20 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

20. I work at Desma.

21 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

21. I wait for the woman.

22 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

22. Learn it by heart!

23 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

23. Farewell!

24 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

24. See you later.

25 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

25. I have no money with me.

26 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

26. Bye!

27 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

27. That depends.

28 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

28. He is rid of it.

29 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

29. Give me another book!

30 / 30

Category: Idiomatic Expressions E/G

30. He sent for me.

Your score is

Proverbs Random Test

The program randomly selects 10 proverbs for testing.

Wrong shortcode initialized