Deutsch 1

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Wer bist du?
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AUFGABEN: Vokabeln Üben

Guten Abend!

Доброго вечора!

Guten Morgen!

Доброго ранку

Guten Tag!

Гарний день

Ich heisse ....

Мене звати...

Wie heissen Sie?


Як тебе звати?

Vokabeln 1

Lektion 1

Lektion 1

1 / 5

Category: German / Ukrainian

1. Guten Tag!

2 / 5

Category: German / Ukrainian

2. Guten Morgen!

3 / 5

Category: German / Ukrainian

3. Ich heisse ....

4 / 5

Category: German / Ukrainian

4. Wie heissen Sie?


5 / 5

Category: German / Ukrainian

5. Guten Abend!

Your score is

She gets dressed.

She puts on her gloves.

It is not worth it.

Don't be angry with me.

He behaves badly.

He asks me for help.

See you later.

I look at the house.

I work at Desma.

Everyone knows that.

Wrong shortcode initialized

She gets dressed.

She puts on her gloves.

It is not worth it.

Don't be angry with me.

He behaves badly.

He asks me for help.

See you later.

I look at the house.

I work at Desma.

Everyone knows that.
