Business English
Problem Solving
How would you solve problems?
Lesson Grammar : DO Revision
Lesson Idiomatic: Do Revision
Use the Browser Return Arrow to come back to this page after selecting Grammar or Idiomatic Expressions.
1. Select ONE of the topics and state how you would solve that problem. Explain in detail.
2. Grammar Section : do the Multiple Choice exercises.
3. Idiomatic Expressions : do the Multiple Choice exercises.
Situations – Problem Solving
1. You receive a traffic ticket via mail for speeding. The person on the photo in your car is not you and you do not know who this is.
2. Your boss fires you without giving any reasons.
3. You are stopped by the traffic police and you don’t have your drivers’ license with you.
4. An angry customer wants to hit you.
5. You have a terrible headache but your boss insists that you attend the urgent meeting
6. Your boss wants you to apologise to a customer but you feel that you have done nothing wrong.
7. You receive a phone bill for 6000 Euro and they want you to pay immediately.
This is your main business line and if they cut the service you cannot do business.
8. Your car has a flat tire and you forgot the spare wheel.
9. Your car does not want to start and it seems that your battery is flat.
10. You misplaced your train ticket and the conductor is checking tickets.
11. Someone has placed drugs in you luggage and customs wants to arrest you.
12. A fellow employee accuses you of having stolen his / her ideas and presented them as your own.
13. You slip on a banana peel at the office and break your arm.
14. Your boss’s dog bit you. He / She says that it was your own fault since you teased the dog.
15. Your computer is bombed with spam and freezes.
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